There are over 60 books written by “The Nelson Boy’s” regarding their adventures in Goshen. They wandered the woods, forged the rivers, and captured islands detailing their childhood years in our small town. These books were discovered in an estate sale and donated to Amherst College who have generously shared digital copies of the handwritten books with the Historical Society. Below you can find the books for your own reading pleasure. Clicking on the title will take you to a digital copy of the original document. A translation in pdf form is also available for a portion of the titles. Click on the transcription link for each title. In the event there is more than one document for a single title, all links will be listed for corresponding titles and their transcriptions.
The books have been separated into two groups: those with a transcription and those without a transcription. A third category, Illustrations, is also listed.
Documents with transcriptions
- Adventure on Red Rover (trans)
- Adventures on the Scud (trans)
- American Family Robinson (ver. 1)(trans org)(trans w/punctuation)(ver. 2 cover)(ver. 2)(trans)
- At the Mast (trans)
- Battle of Poplinton (trans)
- Canoe and rifle (trans)
- Chit Chat – December, no year given (trans)
- Chit Chat – January 12, 1893 (trans)
- Chit Chat – February 4, 1893 (trans)
- Chit Chat – Indian Wars (trans)
- Complete Geography of the World (trans)
- Complete History of the Big Continent (trans)
- Diary – November 5-17, 1898 (trans)
- Diary – November 18, 1898 (trans)
- Eathan F. Allen and his Family (trans)
- Five years in the White Mountains Vol 1 (trans)
- Five years in the White Mountains Vol 2 (trans)
- Forests of Dixville (trans)
- Gazetter of the World (trans)
- History of the Wourld (trans)
- Horse Rase (trans)
- Jims Cruise (trans)
- Littles Catalog of Trees and Shrubs (trans)
- Nelson Bros Noveltiesv(trans)
- Nelson Bros. Seedsmen (trans)
- The Fight of the Boys (trans)
- The Intellectual Farmer March (trans)
- The Little City Democrat & Trapper (trans)
- The Mountain Fighter (trans)
- The Mountain News 1 (transcription for all 6 issues 1894)
- The Mountain News 2
- The Mountain News 3
- The Mountain News 4
- The Mountain News 5
- The Mountain News 6
- The Pioneersman Dec 14 1893 (trans)
- The Pioneersman Dec 26 1892 (trans)
- The Pioneersman Jan 13 cover (trans)
- The Pioneersman Jan 13 (trans)
- The Pioneersman n.d. (trans)
- Wonders of the Forest (trans)
Documents without transcription
- Bank Depositors Book
- Different Stories by James Thackery
- History of Long Continent
- The Intellectual Farmer April
- Military Uniforms
- Set A Drift
- Seven Days in the Country a
- Seven Days in the Country b
- Sunny Shore Record
- The Pioneersman 1
- The Pioneersman
- The Popies Cause
- The Rough It Club
- The Three Hunters of Big Wolf Lake
- The Trapper scrapbook 3/1
- The Trapper scrapbook 7/21/1891
- The Trapper scrapbook 3/26/1892
- The Trapper scrapbook 3/26/1892 (2)
- The Trapper scrapbook nd
- The Trapper scrapbook nd (2)
- The Trapper
- The Weekly Telegram 9/1 sample copy
- The Weekly Telegram
- The Weekly Telegram 4/19/1894
- The Weekly Telegram 1/23/1895
- The Weekly Telegram nd
- The Weekly Telegram nd (2)
- The Western World a
- The Western World Spring 1895
- The World vol 1
- The Young Sailer or Deer Lake Chap 3
- Thirty Days War
- Voyage of the Francis
- War News a
- War News b
- War News c
- War News scrapbook a
- War News scrapbook b
- War News scrapbook c
Flags, Fragments, Illustrations, and Maps
- Flags 1 (Secretary of the Navy)
- Flags 2 (B.C.)
- Flags 3 (Big Continent Flag)
- Fragments 1 (Chapter 2 United Division – Other Settlements)
- Fragments 2 (February 9)
- Fragments 3 (Chapter 3 The Blacks – Their Tribes and Customs)
- Fragments 4 (Sunny Shore)
- Fragments 5 (Names – Frank Hepshwitch, Little City)
- Fragments 6 (Names – W.R. Nelson Greenville F.C.)
- Fragments 7 (Sullivan Commandery of Knights Templar)
- Fragments 8 (Arrows Flew)
- Fragments 9 (Broad River the outlet of Grand Lake (illustrated strip))
- Fragments 10 (Picture of man, house, and garden)
- Fragments 11 (Illustration of two children crossing a stream)
- Fragments 12 (Check Payable to Dr. E.D. Farr, 1892)
- Fragments 13 (Names and businesses)
- Fragments 14 (Blackbirds and other stories)
- Fragments 15 (Settlement on Round Continent – Chap 2)
- Fragments 16 (Employment offer from W.D.Boyce Co – Saturday Balde/Chicago Ledger)
- Illustrations 1 (Farm)
- Illustrations 2 (Multiple river and bridge illustrations)
- Illustrations 3 (Solider on horseback)
- Illustrations 4 (B.C. Standard Flag)
- Illustrations 5 (Flower in living room by Arthur Nelson)
- Illustrations 6 (Flower in living room)
- Illustrations 7 (“look out for that redhead”)
- Illustrations 8 (Red Flower)
- Illustrations 9 (Orange Flower)
- Illustrations 10 (Modified Saw diagrams)
- Illustrations 12 (Croquet Game)
- Illustrations 13 (Boats on a lake)
- Illustrations 14 (Flowers in the corner)
- Illustrations 15 (Homestead in frame)
- List 1 (List of S words #1)
- List 2 (List of S words #2)
- Map 1 (“My Steam Boat”)
- Map 2 (Map of the Eastern Hemisphere)
- Map 3 (Map and letter from D.M. White of the Democratic State Committee – Concord)