The Goshen New Hampshire Historical Society is a non-profit organization that brings together people interested in the collection and preservation of material related to the history of Goshen, NH. We have a wonderful collection of photographs, writings, information on families and individuals, maps, and other information that weaves the story of Goshen.
At the moment we are building our website, adding new information as quickly as possible, for both new and old residents of Goshen as well as those not previously familiar with our community. If you have historical content, family records, stories, or photos, that you feel would be a good addition to the collections we currently are working with, please contact us through the following link: Contact Us
Preserving History for Future Generations

The Sketch
“This history should have been undertaken fifty years ago — fifty years hence, however, it would be impossible.”
Walter Nelson
The historical society has faithfully copied and republished Walter Nelson’s 1903 history of Goshen. This small 90-page sketch was written when he was 20 years old and is based on his interviews with “older residents.”
Goshen was a different town in the past with mills, schools, churches, shops, stores, tavern, tannery and creamery. Some of these buildings are still standing with their original use changed or long forgotten.
Copies may be purchased at the town office for $15.
(Exact cash or check only)